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An Active Ownership
Investment Manager

to Viburnum

Established in 2007 in Perth, Western Australia, Viburnum operates two complementary strategies in private and public equities. We are business-minded investors, who take a long-term, active ownership approach.

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Viburnum's Private Equity strategy builds and grows companies, in partnership with both leading entrepreneurs and executives, and our investors. Since establishment, the team has focussed on the mid-market and on working actively with companies where we can add value. The team is experienced in investing across a range of industries however for the last decade has focussed on a specialist Mining Industrials strategy, with highly attractive fundamentals.

Learn about Viburnum's Private Equity Strategy

Equities Fund

Viburnum’s Strategic Equities Fund takes a private equity approach to public investments – we think and act like hands-on, long-term business owners with a singular focus on Australian small and mid-cap companies.

Learn about Viburnum's Strategic Equities Fund
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Logo

Viburnum Funds is a signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). The PRI is recognised as the leading global network for investors who are committed to integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into their investment practices and ownership policies.

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